Sunday, December 5, 2010

Nice Curves

I thought the old blog design was a bit heavy, so I tweaked the color a bit. On to the sculpture:

Using the curve template, I marked all 12 secondary pieces with the same curve.

In the warm 40 degree weather, I decided to use the big band saw for the curves.

And the nice curves are done. There's less coffee in the mug too. 

 Next we move over to the drill press for an important step that wont even be seen after the piece is done.
Little notes do help with so many pieces. "No Hole"

In each of the secondary pieces, there are two holes that will be drilled. This will help for two reasons:
1. A temporary dowel will be placed while I sand the curve to make sure the two pieces that will be laminated together will have the same curve.
2. Longer dowels will be used when I glue to make sure everything matches up and doesn't slide on me.
The very top will have 5 pieces of wood whose curve needs to line up perfectly and this help to make that happen. 

Next up is A LOT of sanding. I will also order the glass. I have had a couple questions about the symbolism behind the glass design. I will go through each one when I start cutting and blasting the design in place. 
Thanks for following.

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